Excerpt from the music album “hâne” by Apostolos Sideris
hâne’ ?…the home of someone, of something… A melody within a melody. A house built with bricks made of love. Companionship. Also, a form of solitude. Confinement.
My version of the New Old World.
What I call home.
Well, . . Our “hâne” refers to at least all of the above, all transformed into a necessary game, one that can be quite therapeutic.
One that was built by us in layers and layers of, at times, contrasting emotions.
A concept album with no concept.
Finding the spark exactly in that lack of concept, so that things can go anywhere, free of obligations.
The composition becomes the improvisation and vice versa. It’s all a necessary game, the only obligation is to play it.
Apostolos Sideris